CTFTime is the authoritative source of all CTF competitions, including event
listing, team ranking, and a centralized writeup directory.
- Awesome CTF: List of CTF tools
- Day 18 Essential CTF Tools:
List of CTF tools
- CyberChef: A swiss-army knife for data
manipulation, including encoding / decoding, encryption / decryption,
compression / decompression, and other ciphers and analyses
- PayloadsAllTheThings: “A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF”
These are good places to start looking for challenges.
- OverTheWire wargames: Several hosted
services that help you practice offensive security
- CTFLearn: Hosts many CTF challenges
- PicoCTF: CMU-hosted high school CTF, challenges are up
to stay so good practice material
- CryptoPals: Hands-on introduction to cryptographic
principles, including block / stream ciphers, randomness, Diffie-Hellman,
RSA, and more
Binary-exploit / Reversing:
- Microcorruption: An embedded
reverse-engineering challenge that involves breaking into a simulated
embedded device
- Grab-bag of binary exploit challenges
- Grab-bag of binary exploit challenges
- HackThisSite: Web vulnerability sandbox where
you can put your web skills to the test
- csci 2021
- csci 4061
- csci 4211
- csci 5271
- math 5248