For the challenge, we are given this file. Unlike typical crypto server challenges, this code does an unusual conversion to binary form.

The encryption algorithm requires 2 pieces we don’t know:

  1. a secret key, which is 6 bytes long
  2. the conversion tables, exptables, found at the top of the file

The algorithm “encrypts” the flag by first running a conversion step by taking every 4 bits and converting it to 6 bits through a lookup table. Then, it XORs this result against the key in 6-byte chunks. Since the lookup table is unique, decryption is the reverse process; first it XORs the given ciphertext, then reverses the lookup.

Here is the conversion process, called “expand”:

def expand(ctext):
    for i in range(0,len(ctext),4):
        msb = ctext[i:i+2]
        lsb = ctext[i+2:i+4]
        exp = exptables[int(msb,2)][int(lsb,2)]
    return ct

ctext here is a string of either "1" or "0". As we can see, the 4 bits are broken down into two pieces of 2 bits each, which are treated as indices in a two-level lookup table.

Since the challenge server provides us with an encryption oracle, we can brute force the unknown tables by using a predictable key. For example, the plaintext "AAAAAA" and the key "AAAAAA" should cancel out, leaving us with all zeroes entering the conversion step. This reveals to us what the combination (0, 0) maps to in the lookup table.

Using this logic, we can write a function to create a string that enumerates all the possible lookup keys. I chose to vary the keys rather than the string. This means I had to ask the encryption oracle for the corresponding ciphertexts of two strings:

  • 40620426c8ea
  • 8cae41414141

The 41414141 at the end is there because there’s only 64 bits of combinations, so I padded it to be a multiple of 48 bits (the key size).

After asking the server for the ciphertexts, I got:

  • 010101011001101101110011010001000101100001111000101000011110011101101110
  • 111100110001010010101010010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101

Now I can break these into 6-bit chunks and build the lookup tables.

Finally, I know the flag format begins with TUCTF{. So I simply brute-forced each character of the key until I found it (honestly this could probably have been done in a more direct way but this way was faster).

flagkey = b"AAAAAA"
for i, c in enumerate(b"TUCTF{"):
    for j in range(256):
        newflagkey = list(flagkey)
        newflagkey[i] = j
        newflagkey = bytes(newflagkey)
        flagptxt = decode(flagctxt, newflagkey)
        if flagptxt[i] == c:
            flagkey = newflagkey

Using this key with the flag that the server gives us reveals the final flag, TUCTF{tr@ck_th3_exp@nsi0ns_and_r3v3rs3}.

My final solve script can be found here.